The Power Of Applied Knowledge – 5th Annual Convention
There is a truism in the popular saying, that “Knowledge is Power”. The flip-side of this quote suggests that ignorance translates to lassitude or powerlessness, and thus incapable of making any meaningful impact on self or on others.
Knowledge can simply be defined as innate ability and capacity acquired through learning, insight, study, experience, education, association, and acquaintance with established facts, truths, skills, or principles; enabling or empowering an individual to know something or someone in a familiar way.
With different ways and diverse levels of acquiring knowledge, it is critical that you understand how to put every available grain of knowledge to functional use, in order to produce maximum benefits.
Knowledge derives mostly from the depth, quality, and quantity of information or revelation that you are exposed to, accept, process, and choose to apply to your advantage.
The source of knowledge is very vital. Only reliable, dependable, value-adding, and trusted sources should be cultivated and accepted. This point becomes weighty especially when viewed against the backdrop of so many unfiltered and uncensored information and misinformation circulating on social media today.
It is apt to state here and now that not all knowledge is good or sound knowledge. There are some forms of knowledge that can be harmful or injurious to the wellbeing of individuals or organizations. Not only should you discern and avoid such harmful information like a plague, you must consciously and deliberately pursue only sound knowledge that can add value to the good course that you represent.
The advantages derivable from knowledge are many and far reaching. Sound knowledge impacts virtually all aspects of life, resulting in effective and productive lifestyles which ultimately enhances and advances the well-being of individuals, families, communities, businesses, organizations, and nations – educationally, socially, politically, economically, morally, emotionally, etc. Consider some of the advantages of applied knowledge highlighted below.
First, applied knowledge is LIBERATING. Without any shred of doubt, education liberates from the bondage imposed by ignorance on individuals or organizations. An ignorant person or organization will fail to make any meaningful or profitable impact on humanity or society.
Second, applied knowledge is REFRESHING. There is a breath of fresh air that accompanies knowing something or someone that you did not know before. In this way, education becomes an emotional and psychological booster. As humans engaged in every facet of societal life, emotional stability and psychological fitness are critical factors in the socio-economic and political advancement of any people or organization.
Third, applied knowledge is ENLIGHTENING. This is especially true because education sheds light on otherwise hidden treasures wrapped in dark mystery. Education can sometimes be laser-focused on certain facts which may sometimes be sitting in plain sight, but inaccessible to all. This way, Education is revealing, becoming a lamp to your feet and a light to your path, as you navigate your way through life’s terrain.
Fourth, applied knowledge is EMPOWERING. What this speaks to is the dimension of energy which education uploads on anyone or upon any group, with intent to dominate issues, and outsmart competition or subdue contention. True knowledge will enable you with creative ideas and place you in more strategic positions to succeed over the ignorant and weak elements.
Fifth, applied knowledge is REWARDING. As a bye-product of intense and diligent effort or sacrifice made over time, applied knowledge produces profit in great proportion. By virtue of applied knowledge, you are able, willing, and prompt to execute visionary projects in a more conscious, articulated, and intentional manner. Profiting as a result of applied knowledge removes the sense and stress of loss which is often the lot of the ignorant.
Sixth, applied knowledge is UPLIFTING. Getting promoted or upgraded to the next level in any chosen vocation, career, business, and other related pursuits of life, demand applied knowledge. Nobody wants to remain stagnant and stranded on the same spot in life, especially where incentives follow upward mobility in any organization or service.
Seventh and finally, applied knowledge is TRANSFORMING. Every individual or corporation seeks to improve themselves in order to become better, stronger, and greater than heretofore. Applied knowledge brings out the best potentials in individuals and corporations, resulting in transformation from “what is” to “what is possible”. Transforming humans or establishments when sound knowledge is applied only comes from the same source as the power of human imagination which is endless and unstoppable.
The only down-side to knowledge is that if not handled with utmost care and caution, it can easily puff-up, resulting in pride and arrogance, both of which ultimately have cataclysmic ends. Knowledge must therefore be blended with humility, and its acquisition and application must be seen more as a privilege, rather than as a tool of oppression.
In conclusion, applied knowledge is what ultimately makes an individual or group stand out from the crowd and deemed wise. In other words, only the wise possesses a sound knowledge of something or someone, with the right understanding to correctly and effectively articulate such knowledge to work in their favor. Knowledge is of no use if it is not properly understood and correctly applied to produce experiential and enjoyable outcomes.